George P Bush says mounted agents used split reins to control their horses NOT whip migrants

Border Patrol agents’ outrage at Joe Biden is growing, with officers furious that the president has thrown them under the bus over the Haitian migrant debacle.

They are especially angry at the White House’s rush to judgment over pictures of a mounted agent swinging the reins of his horse while confronting an immigrant, which were first believed to show him whipping the man.

That account has already been debunked with even the photographer saying his image showed no such thing.

But that didn’t stop Biden calling the image and video ‘outrageous.’

‘It is absolutely outrageous that President Biden wouldn’t give us the benefit of the doubt before spouting off,’ one agent told

‘He should have supported us as Federal agents â€" especially in light of how abysmally he’s handled the border crisis.’ 

‘We do this job for the safety and security of our families and the nation. Just because Biden won’t man up and accept responsibility for his actions doesn’t mean we won’t,’ a second agent told

‘We have handled every crisis this administration has challenged us with and we still hold our heads up, put a badge on and go to work to defend this country from any who would enter illegally,’ he added. 

Instead of support them, Biden said of the picture and video: ‘It was horrible to see, to see people treated like they did, with horses nearly running them over. People being strapped.’

He added: ‘It’s outrageous. I promise you those people will pay. There will be investigation underway now and there will be consequences. There will be consequences. It’s an embarrassment.’ 

The photos drew international criticism for the Border Patrol after they were distributed worldwide by AFP

The photos drew international criticism for the Border Patrol after they were distributed worldwide by AFP

The photos drew international criticism for the Border Patrol after they were distributed worldwide by AFP

Vice President Kamala Harris said: ‘Human beings should not be treated that way and as we all know it also evoked images of some of the worst moments of our history, where that kind of behavior has been used against the indigenous people of our country. Has been used against African Americans during times of slavery.’ 

The White House says horseback officers will no longer be used to round up migrants near the border in Del Rio, Texas, and that has sparked the anger, as Border Patrol agents feel they are being used as a political football for merely doing their job.

Both agents spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of losing his job.

‘Agents spend their own money to buy French fries for crying kids. They help women and children up steep embankments to safety, and the left liberal media continues to spin a narrative of hate and corruption.

‘The saying goes that God created Border Patrol to get out in the dirt and brush because the mail man had the city jobs,’ he added. 

‘Horse patrol agents go through weeks of training to be prepared to handle a trained wild mustang,’

The agent said that if the man on horseback â€" who has now been assigned a desk job pending an investigation â€" did anything wrong, he would own up, because agents have a code of conduct that they adhere to.

‘I know one thing, I have never seen an agent whip a single illegal,’ he said.

And he pointed out the hardships of the job. ‘When it’s below zero, we patrol. When it’s over 100 degrees, we patrol. When its pouring rain, we patrol.

‘That’s what we do. That’s our job and we are proud of it. Every American locks their doors at night and trust that if someone wants in they will knock, and if they come through the window it’s a criminal act.

‘Same with immigration, and we are policing those criminals.’

Biden said of the picture and video: ‘It was horrible to see, to see people treated like they did, with horses nearly running them over. People being strapped'

Biden said of the picture and video: ‘It was horrible to see, to see people treated like they did, with horses nearly running them over. People being strapped'

Biden said of the picture and video: ‘It was horrible to see, to see people treated like they did, with horses nearly running them over. People being strapped’

The agents’ union, the National Border Control Council did not respond to a request for comment.

Paul Ratje, the New Mexico-based photographer who took the image said the rider was merely swinging his rein, not trying to harm the migrant.

‘I didn’t ever see them whip anybody, with the thing,’ Ratje told El Paso’s NBC affiliate, KTSM.

‘He was swinging it. But I didn’t see him actually whip someone with it.

‘That’s something that can be misconstrued when you’re looking at the picture.

Ratje, 34, took the picture near Del Rio, Texas, where some 15,000 migrants crammed into a squalid makeshift tent city last week.

The last was moved out of the camp at 11:41 am on Friday, Val Verde County Sheriff Joe Frank Martinez told That was a little over 12 hours ahead of the midnight deadline the administration had set to close the camp. 

By Saturday, the town of 35,000 residents had more-or-less returned to normal after being at the center of the growing storm over the Biden administration’s handling of the crisis.

The only sign that anything was wrong was that the Del Rio International Bridge heading south into Mexico remained closed.

Hundreds of state troopers, border patrol agents and other law enforcement personnel left town on Friday.

Politicians from both parties have slammed the Biden administration’s handling of the crisis. One of the most stinging attacks came from former presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke in an opinion piece for El Paso Matters. 

O’Rourke, who is now running for the Democratic nomination for Texas Governor, asked: ‘How could we not see this coming?

‘And once the Haitians arrived, why was our government so slow to respond, leaving the people of Del Rio and the Border Patrol to their own devices?

‘The disregard for border communities, and the over reliance on already stressed federal law enforcement, produced conditions that ultimately led to the unforgettable and unforgivable scene of mounted officers charging into the mass of unarmed immigrants.’

The White House says horseback officers will no longer be used to round up migrants near the border in Del Rio, Texas

The White House says horseback officers will no longer be used to round up migrants near the border in Del Rio, Texas

The White House says horseback officers will no longer be used to round up migrants near the border in Del Rio, Texas

Biden promised to get the Del Rio situation under control earlier in the week.

It had started when tens of thousands of Haitians living mostly in Chile and Brazil â€" where they had moved following the disastrous 2010 earthquake in their homecountry â€" started traveling north through Central America buoyed by their belief that the Biden administration would be more lenient with its immigration policies than Donald Trump’s.

They were penned back at Tapachula, just across the Mexican border from Guatemala at the behest of the Biden administration.

But on September 12, Mexican authorities had a sudden change of heart and told the migrants they were free to leave the Tapachula camp and thousands flooded northward to Del Rio.

Todd Bensman of the Center for Immigration Studies told they were freed in advance of the Mexican holiday of El Grito on September 16.

Of the thousands that made it to Del Rio, many families were processed and then bussed out of town, mainly to Houston and San Antonio, where they will have 10 days to report to authorities and be given a court date.

Some, mainly single men were largely deported to Haiti, a country that many had not lived in for years, while others fled back across the border into Mexico to avoid being sent to Port-au-Princeâ€" and possibly to try again to enter the United States at a later date.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said Friday that 2,000 migrants have been expelled to Haiti on 17 flights, 8,000 have gone to Haiti voluntarily, 12,400 are having their cases heard and 5,000 are being processed.

That leaves some 2,600 missing.

Bensman went to the bus station at Ciudad Acuna just across the Mexican border from Del Rio and found many Haitians buying bus tickets to other Mexican cities, such as Monterrey and Mexico City where they planned to work to build up enough money to try again.

But another mass crisis is looming from South America where some 19,000 migrants, mainly Haitians, are now amassed near the Colombian border with Panama.

Only 650 migrants are allowed to cross the area known as the Darien Gap each day in an agreement between the Colombian and Panamanian governments.

But more than 80,000 migrants are believed to have crossed the border illegally this year.

They have faced a dangerous trek through the Darien jungle, rife with perils such as poisonous snakes, steep ravines, swollen rivers, tropical downpours, and criminals often linked to drug trafficking. Assaults and rapes are commonplace on the trek as drug traffickers prey on the vulnerable migrants.

They then face an 1,100 mile trek through Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras and Guatemala to reach Tapachula and then another 1,500 miles to the US border.

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