Travel news latest Caribbean islands and Balkans at risk of moving onto red list

âWinter sun holidays to Jamaica and Grenada could be off the cards if the two islands are placed on the red list in this weekâs review.
The Caribbean countries are at risk of moving to the hotel quarantine category, alongside Serbia, Kosovo and Albania, according to data expert Tim White. Mr White told Sky News that Nigeria could also be vulnerable.
Jamaica remained amber in the last traffic lights update, but the Foreign Office has since changed its guidance for the country and advises âagainst all but essential travel to the whole of Jamaica based on the current assessment of COVID-19 risksâ. There has also been an increase in people arriving in the UK from Jamaica with Covid-19.
Mr White said Grant Shapps, the Transport Secretary, âwould effectively be admitting a mistake three weeks agoâ if he put Jamaica on the red list. Meanwhile, green-listed Grenada has seen a spike in people testing positive for the virus. Mr White suggested that while Albania, Serbia and Kosovo could turn red based on the latest data, they would likely avoid the move.
An update is expected on Thursday or Friday, which could come with a shake up to the current travel system ahead of the October 1 deadline for the Government to assess to current rules.
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